Monday, November 11, 2013

The Darkest Path, by Jeff Hirsch

17381993Release Date:  October 2013

Genre: Dystopian

When and Where:  Set in the not-too distant future in an America ravaged by civil war

Protagonist:  Callum Roe, aged 15

The Story:   Callum Roe is a reluctant member of the Glorious Path, a militant religion sweeping across the United States and forcing citizens to "make the choice."  Cal's unit is an elite fighting force, and Cal has been forced to use his youth too to influence the enemy too many times.  When Cal protects a stray dog from the vicious kennel master, Cal manages to escape his captors and attempt to travel across the country to his home and his parents.  The trip is nothing like what he could have imagined, and his actions set the stage for a shocking turn in the war.

Reaction:  The Darkest Path is a violent, intense novel that addresses heavy issues, including religious freedom and bigotry, sexism, materialism, and the negative effects of capitalism.  Lightened by the inclusion of a dog and some potential romance, the novel shares many of same elements as other popular books within the dystopian genre.  The intensity begins with the first sentence, and the fear doesn't really fade too far from the reader until the final lines of the book; simply put, this book is hard to put down!  While there are many dystopian books targeting teens right now, this book's unique take perspective on religion makes it stand out.

If You Liked...  The Hunger Games, Unwind, or The Knife of Never Letting Go, then you are likely to enjoy The Darkest Path.

Rating:  4 stars

Teacher Notes:  The Darkest Path is an "easier" book to read than The Hunger Games, Unwind, or The Knife of Never Letting Go, but it addresses similar issues.  It would be an excellent addition to a dystopian-themed book club or literature circle.

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