Friday, December 27, 2013

Defy (Defy #1) by Sara B. Larson

Defy (Defy, #1)Release Date:  January 2014

Genre: Fantasy

Protagonist:  Alexa (Alex) Hollen, 17 years old

The Story:  After the violent death of her parents, Alexa hides her gender, changes her identity, and joins her twin brother as a member of the king's army.  Alex's talent with a sword and her incredible ability to fight land her a special place as a member of Prince Damien's guard.  In extreme proximity to the prince, Alex learns that she is not the only one living a lie.  Along with the prince and a fellow guardsman, Alex is abducted by a powerful sorcerer who is determined to use the prince as a way to coerce the king into changing the outcome of the war between two kingdoms. Alex's identity becomes increasingly more difficult to hide as works to ensure the safety of the prince and the kingdom.

Reaction:  Likely to be classified as high fantasy, Defy is what I like to call "light" fantasy; the structure of the tale has a lot of similarities to "high" fantasy novels, including magic, a quest, and a coming-of-age theme.  Much of the plot focuses on romance, which detracts from some of these "high fantasy" elements.  Despite the heavy handedness with romance, Defy is not a book to be missed by fans of the YA/Fantasy genre.  Reader beware:  this book is written from a female perspective and addresses romance the same way; if you don't want to read about abs and kisses, in addition to sorcerers and magic, look elsewhere. Defy is not so much about an epic physical journey, but instead is about Alex's epic emotional journey as she learns to accept all aspects of herself.  Alex is a serious, kick-butt heroine who is a star of all the action scenes.  Both male protagonists are interesting in different ways, making the love triangle aspect highly engaging. 

If You Liked...  Graceling, Incarceron, Dragonfly, or Grave Mercy, then Defy is a must-read.

Rating:  5 stars

Teacher Notes: This book contains misogynistic characters and abuse towards women. References to abuse towards women  are prevalent.  Recommended for grades 8 and up.

Damselfly (Damselfly #1) by Jennie Bates Bozic

Damselfly (Damselfly, #1)Date: November  2013

Genre:  Fantasy/Dystopian

When and Where: 2065, Denmark

Protagonist:  Lina, 16 years

The Story:  For the past sixteen years, Lina has been led to believe that she is the star achievement and one-of-a-kind creation of the Lilliput project.  At six inches tall and with the wings of damselfly, Lina has spent her entire life learning how to survive in a world where everything, from her creators to the wild things in nature, are bigger and stronger.  Lina has fantasized about turning sixteen for years, dreaming of a day when she is old enough to make her own way in the world and to meet with Jack in real time instead of online worlds via virtual reality.  Turning sixteen is nothing Lina imagines, however, as she is considered to be inhuman, despite her human DNA.  She is forced to participate in a reality show where she is introduced to six young men, Toms, who also happen to be her size.  Realizing that everything she has been told is a lie and that she is considered less than human and determined to prevent Jack from harm, Lina is coerced into  participating in the reality show, which is intended to force her into selecting a mate. Nothing is as it seems, everyone seems to have a hidden agenda, and Lina doesn't know who to trust.

Reaction:  There's a lot going on in this smart, unusual fantasy/dystopian novel.  Budding romance and dystopian undertones clash in a novel that has moments of lighthearted fun and moments of pure sadness.  Despite being isolated, Lina is surprisingly similar to other teens her age.  Author Jennie Bates Bozic nails the teen voice and angst while delving into themes addressing human and animal rights and bio-ethics.  The one flaw in the book that really stands out is the epilogue.  It felt out of place and unnecessary to me, what with all the hints that are included in the climax and resolution of the tale.

If You Like...  fairy tales, this book is for you!

Rating:  4 stars